The index of the book
James G. Miall
Please note that this index is given in good faith as a
guide to the contents of the book, but there may be errors in
both the original index and the transcription of the index.
Numbers in brackets give the number of pages referenced when greater than one.
- Airedale College,
- Anne, Queen : Hostility to Dissenters during her Reign,
- Armine, Lady,
- Assembly of Divines, (3)
- Bennett, Rev. Dr,
- Bennett, George,
- Bewglass, Rev. Dr,
- Book of Sports,
- Boothroyd, Dr,
- Bowles, E,
- Grief after the Restoration,
- Refused Vicarage of Leeds
- Bradford, W,
- Bright, Sir J, an upholder of Religion,
- Browne, Robert,
- Brownfield, Whitby,
- Bunney, Dr,
- Burton, Henry,
- Buckingham, Duke of,
- Chapels, Dissenting,
- Charles I,
- Clifton,
- "Club," " Holy, "
- Church of England, Effects of Ejectment of 1662 on,
- Congregationalism among early Puritans,
- in Assembly of Divines
- Avowed by Burton,
- during Commonwealth,
- Congregational Church, first in Yorkshire,
- Congregational Union,
- Conventicle Act,
- Conventicles forbidden in Private Houses,
- Conyers, Dr,
- Cook, Vicar of Leeds,
- Corporation Act,
- Coverdale, (2)
- Craven, District of, not famed for inflexible principles,
- Cromwell,
- Defoe, D,
- Denton, Richard,
- Ejection of 1662,
- Number of Ejected given by Calamy for Yorkshire,
- Enormity of
- Consequences of,
- Elizabeth, Queen,
- Elmete,
- Ely, Rev. John, (2)
- Exercises" at Halifax,
- Fairfax, Lord F,
- his Maintenance of Religion,
- Farrer, Bishop,
- Farnley Wood Plot,
- Favour, Vicar of Halifax,
- Favourers of Nonconformists,
- Frankland, locked out of his Church
- at Rathmel,
- persecutions of,
- Fraser, Rev. Dr,
- Freeman, Capt,
- Fisher, Vicar of Sheffield,
- Five mile Act,
- Gangraena,
- Geree, John, M. A,
- Grimshaw, William,
- Grindal : his Description of Yorkshire,
- Halifax, " Exercises"
- Hamilton, Rev. R. W,
- Controversy with Hutton,
- Education Question,
- Death of,
- Heath, Archbishop,
- Heckmondwike,
- Hewley, Lady, (4)
- Heywood, Oliver : his Troubles after the Restoration,
- his Ejection,
- his Imprisonment
- Meeting house,
- his Labours and Death,
- Hodgson, Captain,
- Hollis, T,
- Horton, Joshua,
- Hull, Religion in, Seventeenth Century,
- Hutton, Archbishop,
- Independency disliked by Presbyterians,
- Independent, " not the Name Chosen by the Early Congregationalists,
- Independent Congregations, Number of
- Indulgence, Declaration of,
- Effect of,
- Withdrawal of;
- Ingham, Benjamin,
- Irish Rebellion,
- James I, (2)
- James II,
- his Suspension of Penal Laws against Dissenters
- Jollie, T. : his Academy,
- Kipping Meeting house, Records
- Knight, Titus,
- Lambert, Rev. George,
- Lambert, Maj. Gen,
- Lancaster, Joseph,
- Leaf, John,
- Leeds, " Exercises " in,
- Llandaff, Bishop of,
- London Missionary Society,
- Manchester Socinian Controversy,
- Marsden, Jeremiah,
- Marsden, Gamaliel,
- Martin Marprelate,
- Marvel, Rev. A, Hull,
- Matthews, Archbishop,
- Maynooth College,
- Methodism, Origin of,
- Missions,
- Mitchell, M,
- Monteigne, Archbishop,
- Moore, Rector of Guiseley,
- Neile, Archbishop,
- Nelson, John,
- New England, Emigration to,
- Nonconformists, Characterized,
- Number of ( 1688), (2)
- Ordinations, Nonconformist,
- Oxford Tracts,
- Parsons, Rev. E. ( Leeds),
- Pilgrim Fathers,
- Pilgrimage of Grace,
- Presbyterians, Promoters of the Restoration,
- Rejoicings,
- Resolutions on Indulgence,
- Union with Congregationalists
- Failure of,
- Defections in Doctrine,
- Pretender,
- Priestley, Dr,
- Minister of Mill hill Chapel, Leeds,
- Opposition to Trinitarian Doctrine,
- Priestley, N,
- Prophesyings,
- Provident Society, "
- Pudsey, Scene at,
- Raikes, Robert,
- Ramsden, Vicar of Halifax,
- Religion in England in the Sixteenth Century,
- Ditto, in the Eighteenth Century,
- Robinson, John : his Congregationalism,
- Pastor of Congregational Church at Scrooby,
- Robinson, H, Vicar of Leeds: his Ejectment,
- Rodes, Sir E,
- Rogers, Rev. E,
- Root, Henry,
- Rotherham Academy, Origin of
- Sacheverell,
- Sandys, Archbishop,
- Saxton, Rev. Peter, Vicar of Leeds
- Schism Bill,
- Scott, Rev. James,
- Scott, Rev. Walter,
- Scottish Church, Disruption of,
- Scrooby, Congregational Church formed there,
- People emigrate to Holland,
- Sharp, Archbishop,
- Shawe, John, (3)
- Sheffield, a Centre of Puritanism,
- Shepard, Rev. T,
- Silcoates School,
- Slavery,
- Smith, John, Demerara,
- Smith, Matthew,
- Smyth, John,
- Snell Brothers,
- Stretton, Richard,
- Styles, W, Vicar of Pontefract and Leeds, (2)
- Sunday Schools, (2)
- Taylor, T, D. D,
- Test and Corporation Acts,
- Thorp, Mrs,
- Thorpe, John,
- Tillotson, Archbishop,
- Toleration, Act of,
- Toleration, disliked by Presbyterians,
- Uniformity, Act of,
- Vestments,
- Venn, Henry,
- Vint, Rev. W,
- Wales, Elkanah, (2)
- Wakefield, Meeting of Presbyterians and Congregationalists
- Walkden, P, Diary of,
- Walker, S, Northowram, his Academy,
- Warrington Academy,
- Wharton, Lord P,
- Whitaker, Jeremiah, M. A,
- Whitefield, George,
- Whitgift, Archbishop,
- Wigginton, Vicar of Sedberg,
- Wilson, of Skipton,
- Williams, Dr, (3)
- Wycliffe,
- York, Religion in ( Seventeenth
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