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Contains the pedigrees of many of the Nobility and Gentry, from records, original evidences, and manuscripts. The original edition of this book, in 1715, justified Ralph Thoresby's membership in the Royal Society, and displayed his erudition on Englands's Roman antiquities and coins (many of which are depicted here). Thoresby also owned a broad collection of "curiosities", from incunables to medical anomalies, which was ranked second only to Tradescant. In this edition, the continuation of the Pedigrees was principally done by Christopher Holland, and the additions to Part 2, "Musaeum Thoresbyanum", detail items added after 1715 to the time of the collection's dispersal. Also includes a Life of Thoresby. The first part of this 2nd edition contains the original writings of Ralph Thoresby with copious notes written by Dr. Whitaker giving both additional information and corrections to the original material. The second and third parts of the book contain the catalogue of Ralph Thoresby's museum, also written by Dr. Whitaker.
This book currently sells for upwards of £800 in good condition.
Contained within the book are over 140 pedigrees, where relevant these have been brought up to date (1816) as indicated above. An indication of the families contained within these pedigrees can be found by taking a look at the transcribed index for the first part of the book (see below).
In order to give you a better idea of the information in the book the following items are available on line:
The above Acrobat file was extracted from the main pdf file and shows the quality of the images. You will need at least version 5 of Acrobat to open this file. If you do not have an up to date version please go to the Adobe web-site to obtain a free version of Acrobat Reader.
Some information about the author of the book may be found on the Thoresby Society's web pages.
A review of the CDrom by Steven
Bruce of Yorkshire
Family History
For those interested in the history of Leeds and its environs DUCATUS LEODIENSIS published by Ralph Thoresby in 1715 is the work by which all subsequent historical works of the town and parish of Leeds has been measured. By 1715 Ralph Thoresby had gained a considerable reputation as an antiquary and topographer and this was further merited by the publication of this work; it has long being considered a highly important definitive work of local topography. The purchase of an original, 1715 first edition, is probably beyond the reach of most; it regularly commands a price tag of between £3000 and £4500, depending on its condition. Even a second edition of 1816 which, is currently being presented on this CD would reduce your bank balance by anything from £800 to £1500.
By making this publication available on CD, Colin Hinson has
hit new heights. He has made not only this CD but all of his other
more recent CD publications, fully machine searchable. For all
of us, other than those who would prefer to have an original volume
sat neatly in a bookcase, the facility makes using this version
of the publication a joy! I congratulate Colin on the attention
to detail that he has given to this and to all his other CD publications
and not least for making these, often financially unattainable
publications, available to us at affordable cost.
Steven Bruce
Yorkshire Family History
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