Yorkshire CD books

Old and rare Yorkshire books as pdf file downloads

photograph of the book
The Yorkshire Baptists
by Various Authors
Congregationalism in Yorkshire
by James G. Miall

download version
produced by Yorkshire CD books ©

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For sample pages, please see the links to the Acrobat (pdf) files given below.

The data in this downloadable pdf is computer searchable.

Navigation of the books on the CD rom is enhanced by the use of "Active Links" in the contents pages.

The Baptists of Yorkshire:

"The Baptists of Yorkshire" contains well over 300 pages and some 35 plates. It describes Baptist principle, the churches in the 17th & 18th centuries, and lists and describes the present churches (i.e. 1912)

In order to give you an idea of the information in the book the following items are available here on line:

Congregationalism in Yorkshire:

"Congregationalism in Yorkshire" contains over 400 pages and describes the development from the mid 1500s onwards to the modern era (i.e. 1868). The appendix contains a synoptical history of the Yorkshire Churches.

In order to give you an idea of the information in the book the following items are available here on line:

The above Acrobat files were extracted from the main pdf file and shows the quality of the images. You will need at least version 5 of Acrobat to open this file. If you do not have an up to date version please go to the Adobe web-site to obtain a free version of Acrobat Reader.

If you would prefer the real book(s), please contact The Idle Booksellers through their website.

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